Thursday, December 21, 2006
Remember that time I adopted a sheep?
What is truly sad about it is that she doesn't actually come to live with me, like orphans do in such films as Annie, and Anne of Green Gables. What happens instead is that my dear sheepy stays on the farm with her sheep friends and sheep family, but gets to eat food for a little bit longer. If adopting sheep is something that interests you, go here.

The most exciting thing that has happened to me this week is that I got a new mobile phone - Motorola KRZR. This little piece of my blue heaven arouses me more than the thought of showering with Johnny Depp.

I think I have finally finished all of my Christmas shopping - and even if I haven't I simply don't care. If I forgot to get anyone a gift they will just have to deal with it and hate me, because I'm not going back to the shops. Well, maybe to Big W but that's just because they have self-service checkouts and using them gives me a bit of a buzz.


Blogger Aaron said...

can an adopted sheep be cloned, then giving me two adopted sheep by default?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT? You don't get to eat it?

Blogger Loz said...

aaron - i thought about this for a while (5 seconds) and decided that if you did clone your adopted sheep as planned, you would then still only have enough food to feed one of them. they would need to share the food of one sheep, thereby losing weight dramatically and becoming two "half sheep". it's all in the maths.

anthony - i didn't want to until just now. if i don't get a pack of lambchops in the mail by easter i'm taking them up on that invitation to visit my sheep. oh yes.

Blogger knitty kitty said...

I still think you should get some UGGS out of the deal.

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