Sunday, November 26, 2006
I just freeze everytime you see through me

No, really I'm feeling much better today. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We will now resume normal programming.

There is a new TV show called "You Got The Job!" - I haven't watched it but the basic premise seems to be that it's a reality TV fly-on-the-wall look at a bunch of people applying for jobs. I wish I was shitting you about this... apparently that's the standard we deserve as the viewing public. Or is it that the level of acting ability in this country is so low that we have to resort to this crap?

But aside from that one little thing, things are not too bad.


Blogger Fella said...

I'm going to start my own reality show and call it Dig Your Own Grave, and I will time people to see who can dig a grave the fastest and then shoot them in the face and watch them slump into their own grave.

It sounds like a winner.

Blogger Loz said...

disturbingly, that sounds better than the job application show.

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