Friday, September 15, 2006
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
My holiday was lovely, too lovely to come home from in fact. But the real world can't be ignored, and trust me I've tried. I can't think of a single exciting thing I did on my holiday, at one point I was even helping my aunty to wash her balcony windows, but the loveliest part was that it WASN'T exciting. No one wanted anything from me except my mad squigee skillz. Here's how it went:

Saturday: Rain.
Sunday: Rain
Monday: Rain
Tuesday: Rain
Wednesday: Mental breakdown, no rain.
Thursday: Sunshine.
Friday: Sunshine. Time to leave.

Why the mental breakdown? Because I could not find the Weight Watchers meeting that was meant to be on, so I did not know what I weighed. I never, ever would have thought an inability to find a Weight Watchers meeting would cause me to throw a hissy fit, but it did. I just kind of flipped out for a bit, such is my mental dependence on a few numbers on a scale. I know, it's sick.


Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

aww... everyone needs a vacation, even from weight watchers.

Blogger msmachine said...

Hey! Glad you are back and that you had a lovely holiday.

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