I've had it with reality TV - sure I used to quite like it, I'd get sucked into the little dramas and "storylines" and yes, I have voted on more than one occasion. But I am having the "Loser" tattoo removed from my forehead as we speak.
Big Brother 06 has just finished last week, and I did start watching it half-heartedly in the beginning, but by the end of the 11,000,027 days they spent in the house I was ready to murder the person who thought of it. Seriously, does someone have a name, or an address for this guy?
I have declared a boycott on Big Brother, Australian Idol, Survivor, Australia's Brainiest 'anything', Torvill & Dean's skating crap, It Takes Two, Dancing With the Stars, Celebrity Overhaul, Australian Princess, X Factor, Shopping For Love, Honey We're Killing the Kids, and anything that involves finding one's true love on telly. The only thing that I MIGHT watch in future is The Biggest Loser, and that's because I think it's the only show out there that keeps exploitation to a minimum (most of the time), teaches people valuable lessons - and more importantly
inspires the viewing public to improve their health.
Sometimes though, people surprise me. For weeks and weeks we were bombarded with these stupid ads telling us "Rene's Getting Married!" - 'who is Rene?' we were supposed to ask in wonderment and befuddlement. Don't tease us, Channel 10, I MUST know immediately who this person is and why I care about them! Then one day the ads changed - suddenly Yasmin was getting married, and we still didn't know who Rene was. Weeks of "teasers" continued mercilessly, dangling this obviously sterling piece of programming before us like a carrot to a donkey until finally....... the show arrived. Apparently the "show" was going to be 9 weeks of real-time matchmaking for this chick Yasmin, and the audience can vote for who she should date and blah blah blah, at the end she marries a stranger. Enthralling, right? Finally the good people of Australia grew a brain and did not tune in, and now 1 week into her "search for love", Yasmin has been ditched by Channel 10 and I guess she won't be getting married afterall. JUST LIKE THE REST OF US, HONEY.