Sunday, February 26, 2006
I just give up!

I've done it again. I have managed to get the worst possible haircut in the history of the universe. Don't these hairdressers know that the happiness and confidence and mental health of their customers are in their hands? I'm in hiding.

I'm sure there's interesting stuff happening all over the place, but if you'll excuse me I need to get back to the mirror and try to will my hair to grow.


Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I had the same thing happen with my attempt at paying someone to wax my eyebrows...

I fear getting a haircut while I'm here and have decided to let it grow out..

Blogger KJ said...

Yeah, I always have a painful time whenever I get a bikini wax... ouch!

Blogger Fella said...

I get my haead shaved. It's almost impossible to fuck that up/

Blogger Ubermilf said...

Yes, Nick. Look how attractive half of your head is.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it because you have curly hair? If so, ME TOO!! I have lived in Brissie for 13 years and found it sooo hard to find a good hairdresser. I always used to come out of the hairdresser's in tears! Don't post a picture but tell us why it sucks and maybe we could "workshop" a solution!!

Blogger Loz said...

LMK: I know it seems like no one here can do these things but I just found a great eyebrow person AND hairdresser, pity I didn't find him BEFORE I got my hair butchered.

Kallun: But grooming is ever so important.

WBB: Exactly - didn't help also that I was the last appointment of the day and the bitch wanted to go home!

Nick: Since this hair fiasco I've been considering that,

Ubes: Imagine it with hair?!

Mongo: No. No no no. No. No.

Michelle: It's definitely because of the curls - it's too thick in some parts and has no shape. It's been cut like it's straight hair, it's awful. I found a GREAT hairdresser who thinks he may be able to fix it up a little in about 6 weeks, and was honest enough to tell me if he tried to shape it now it would end up even worse. Plus he knows you cut curls when they're CURLY! I can't wait.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that's good then!! My hair isn't as curly as yours but I have a big slab of a head so I either ended up with a mullet or looked like I had a triangle head!! I could never (and still don't really) understand why I wasn't born with sleek straight hair!! One good thing is that with curly hair foils seem to look more natural!


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