Sunday, February 19, 2006
Everyone else is doing it...
And really, I wasn't lying. I do crave attention, which is why I am doing this Johari Window thing that's now all the rage. You can go here to tell me what you really think.

Man I am sick of this heat. I find myself watching the Winter Olympics just to imagine laying naked on the bobsleigh track. In theory the temperatures here are not all that bad, but in reality there's the humidity and there's the hot northerly winds which really just feel like someone is breathing on you, and there's the never ending hotness of it all. I'm sure if I had air conditioning I wouldn't mind at all, but after 3 months of this weather it starts to get a bit desperate and before you know it you're having ice fantasies.


Blogger Sysm said...

Okay, you asked for it.

I spent two hours melting frozen water pipes. A hair dryer, bungee cords, and a small trickle of water. So. very. cold.

The kind of cold where your bones hurt. Where you get under so many blankets that you can't move.

I'll take sweaty and hot any day. That's natural.

Blogger Loz said...

today was a blissful 25 degrees... i could live like this all year round. nothing freezes, nothing melts.

sysm i once found all my make up melted in my bedroom, and i burnt myself on my jewellery!

mongo: i'm hesitant to lay down on ice in case it's like that scene in dumb and dumber where he sticks to the chair lift...

Blogger Loz said...

please say 'roger federer'.

Blogger Fella said...

Dude, K-Fed is totally hot.

Blogger Loz said...

By the way, I'm pregnant with K-Fed Jr. I suppose I shouldn't brag about that... I mean who ISN'T these days?

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